October 2nd, 2010



The PEI Fishermen’s Association’s Tuna Advisory Committee Chairs would like to issue a statement of clarification on the management decisions for the PEI Bluefin tuna fishery which opens at 5 AM Monday, October 4th, 2010.

The Advisory Committee attempted to reach agreement to respond to concerns of anticipated large landings of tuna in a given timeframe, however, due to legalities, the recommendations by the Advisory were not enforceable at this time and gentlemen’s agreement could not be attained. With this said, the fishery will go forward, as previously planned with a one fish per day per license holder. The fishing activity will be reviewed daily by DFO in consultation with fleet representatives and industry and this may result in a closure on short notice.

The Department of Fisheries & Oceans has informed the PEIFA that DFO will close the tuna fishery if 50% of quota is caught, which could be as early as Monday evening considering landings from the NS fleet the previous week. DFO will consult with fleet representatives and Industry on further decisions concerning remainder of the quota.

For further info please contact the PEIFA at 566-4050.


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