The Prince Edward Island Fisherman’s Association (PEIFA), in collaboration with the Province of PEI and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, will host a Bait Forum Wednesday January 24 and Thursday January 25, 2024, at the Delta Prince Edward Hotel in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

The meetings will provide Industry, Government and interested parties a venue to discuss concerns around bait for trap fisheries in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. 

The forum will include information and discussion on the recent report prepared by the Federal/Provincial Bait Working Group titled “Overview of Bait Supply and Demand in Atlantic Canada and Quebec”.

In addition, the forum will provide a venue to raise awareness, share information and facilitate networking. 

Registration information and agenda will be available mid-December. Translation services will be available.

A block of rooms will be available at the Delta. Booking information to follow.

To determine in person attendee numbers, please RSVP the PEIFA at by December 15, 2023.

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