Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures


About the Program

Objective: To assist industry in improving prosperity and long-term resource sustainability through the implementation of sustainability


• Sustainability plans will include conservation measures as well as restructuring measures which will promote greater viability of the

industry to allow for implementation of conservation measures.

• The Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures is an enabling program which will provide seed money to help lever other investments from

harvesters, provincial governments, other.

• The program is intended for all commercial harvesters – both aboriginal and non-aboriginal.


“The Gate”: Conservation Measures

Industry-developed LFA-wide conservation measures

• May vary LFA by LFA, but would apply to all harvesters in LFA.

• Conservation measures must advance the LFA towards being able to meet sustainability standards, including those of eco-certification processes.

• Sustainability standards are those set out in the FRCC report, DFO Sustainable Fisheries Framework, international agreements (FAO code of conduct) and ecocertification


• Three areas that measures must address: Improved Prospects for Biological Productivity, Reliable Reporting, Reduced Ecosystem Impacts

• Will be reviewed by an Application Review Board, and must be approved by DFO

(DM has signing authority).

• All plans will be evaluated based on the degree to which these measures are implemented within the five years of the program.

• Impact of sustainability measures and degree of implementation within funding proposal timeframes would be considered in determining funding level.


Program Funding

May be submitted by sub-groups within the LFA (must be a legal entity to receive funding) and would be dependant on implementation of sustainability plan conservation measures

Potential categories for Funding:

Conservation / Stewardship (e.g. Innovative approaches to increase compliance)

Restructuring (e.g. rationalization, trap transfers, etc.)

Governance (e.g. business planning, attending organizational meetings, etc.)

Non-eligible for Funding:

• Lobster and seeding hatcheries;

• Expenditures for third party dockside monitoring services;

• Expenditures directly associated with eco-certification process; and,

• Economic loss resulting from implementation of conservation measures.


Restructuring Measures

• Restructuring measures may be submitted by sub-groups within the LFA (must be a legal entity to receive funding) and would be dependant on implementation of sustainability plan conservation measures.

• Funding could be provided as seed money for retiring licences by leveraging other sources of funding (provincial governments, loans).

• In addition, other innovative restructuring measures would be considered and seed money could be provided (e.g. transferable trap systems, phased trap reductions).

• Funding will be based on fair market-based compensation for licence retirements.


Program Funding

Level of funding could depend on:

• Average level of lobster-dependency of LFA

• Economic situation of harvesters in LFA

• Ecosystem health (measured by decreased landings)

• Number of harvesters participating in proposal

• Level of sustainability measures proposed and timing of implementation

Seed Money

• The program is intended to provide seed money

– For low income LFAs: 25% or 50%

– For other LFAs: 15% or 30%

– Based on eligible costs (up to a notional max for first 2 CFPs)

• In addition, licencing policy flexibilities may also be proposed to further assist harvesters in implementing proposals.


Program Funding

Funding Mechanism:

• Funding will be provided through contribution agreements which require that funding flow to a

legally incorporated organization.

• Reporting requirements to ensure implementation of plans will be included in contribution agreements and final payment will only be made once implementation has been


• Documentation will be required for certain eligible expenses (travel, rent, etc)

• In the event of overpayment, or failure to implement the plan, a recovery of funding may occur

All expenditures under the program must be made during its five-year timeframe.

• Program will be managed to ensure maximum use of available resources.

• A series of calls for proposal will be used to ensure fairness in funding and allow LFAs time to prepare their plans.

• Funding in each proposal period will be dependent on available funds. A notional allotment will ensure available funds for all LFAs during the first 2 CFPs.

• In addition, an LFA could make a second application during the competitive call for proposals


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