NEW NARW closures announced Sunday, May 15th, 2022 and DFO provided a pre-Notice today, with the following information:



**** UPDATE:  click the following link to view the notice to fish harvesters including the coordinates: to Fish Harvesters May 16 2022 Closures.pdf


Fisheries and Oceans Canada is providing this PRE-NOTICE to inform fish harvesters of upcoming new grid closures.  


As per attached map, due to the confirmed presence of North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW), the following grids will be closing on May 19, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT):


  • Full grids                          HE39, HE40
  • Portion of grids              HF39*, HF40*


The related Notice to fish harvesters and Variation Order will be issued on the next business day.  


The closures will be in effect for non-tended fixed gear fisheries, crab trap fisheries, lobster trap fisheries, as well as other trap fisheries.   Fishing gear should be removed from the above grids accordingly.


DFO reminds licence holders that it is the responsibility of the licence holder to take into account the marine safety notices issued, amongst others, by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Transport Canada, as well as the standards and best practices in marine safety, and to take all measures to ensure safe fishing operations.


Click the following link to view the map of area affected: 15 2022 NARW closures announced DFO.pdf

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