Notice to Atlantic Halibut Fish Harvesters

Fixed Gear less than 13.1716 (45 feet), PEI Fleet


The Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO) will be announcing the details of the 2021 commercial PEI Atlantic Halibut fishery soon and have advised that approx. 71 tonnes of halibut will be available to PEI. The anticipated management plan will be based on individual catch limits for each PEI groundfish harvester who registers for the fisheryNot registering or participating in the 2021 halibut fishery will not prevent an eligible harvester from participating in this fishery in future years. The anticipated dates of the season are as follows with confirmation by DFO anticipated soon.    

·       1st opening:   Tuesday, July 13th to  Friday, July 16th

·       2nd opening:  Tuesday, July 20th to Friday, July 23rd

·       3rd opening:  Tuesday, September 14th to Friday, September 17th

·       4th opening:  Tuesday, September 28th to Friday, October 1st


Other management measures are expected to be similar to last year. 


NEW IN 2021: Details are expected to be finalized soon on the reopening of the 4T5 (North Western PEI & NB) and 4T7 (western half of Northumberland Strait) for a limited number of PEI registered groundfish fishers for the 2021 season.  This is considered a pilot project for this year with a minimum of 7 PEI commercial fishers being given special permission (through a section 52 permit) to fish in either of these two areas during the regular PEI halibut fishing season.  In an effort to collect information on the by-catch levels in 4T5 and 4T7, these fishers may require the addition of cameras or at-sea observer coverage for trips.  This will not be an additional expense to the fisher.



Fishers wanting to participate in the 2021 PEI Commercial Halibut fishery are required to register with the PEI Fishermen’s Association during the one-week online registration period.




Registration Dates:            Weds., June 16th until 4:30PM, Thursday, June 24th, 2021

Fee:                                        $250.00 including HST. The fee covers fleet observer coverage and contribution towards groundfish fleet improvement activities.

Payment Method:                Online payment with credit card (Visa or Mastercard).  Contact            

                                               the PEIFA Office if you require another method for payment. 

How to Register:          Fishers can register online or by phone.  Clicking the ‘PEI Halibut Fishery Registration’ link at the www.peifa.org website under the heading of 'Registrations and Renewals' and will bring you to the halibut registration followed by payment. 

Required Information:   Fisher’s name (and company name if applicable), phone #, FIN #, homeport, vessel name, VRN#, Groundfish license #.  Additional info required for at-sea observer vessel safety include:  # of persons on board including Captain, # of inflatable life rafts onboard (and # persons raft is capable of accommodating), # of life rafts other than inflatable, # of life jackets onboard.

Optional information:     Fishers wanting to enter the draw for an opportunity to fish halibut in 4T5 &/or 4T7 in the pilot project will have to check the box on the online registration form.  Fishers will be notified of the draw results following the closure of the registration period.



Registrations after 4:30PM, Thursday, June 24th, 2021 will NOT be accepted 


There will be NO REFUNDS on Registration Fees


The list of registered fishers will be submitted to DFO and the fishery will open via variation order for those fishers. The number of registered fishers is important to determine the individual catch limit per fisher for the 2021 PEI Commercial halibut fishery only. 


For further information on the registration contact the PEIFA at 902-566-4050.  A copy of the 2021 Halibut Conservation Harvesting Plan will be posted on the website at www.peifa.org when DFO makes this information available.  For information on the management plan, contact Ben Moore, DFO Chief Resource Manager at Benjamin.Moore@dfo-mpo.gc.ca .

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