Notice to PEI Groundfish Harvesters
WINTER FLOUNDER - “Fixed Gear < 65 feet” -Tanglenets

DFO has announced the acceptance of a Winter Flounder Tangle Net fishery proposal from the PEIFA Groundfish Advisory Board which  would amend the current limited access into 4T2b for Winter Flounder using tangle nets in a defined area (near North Lake) of this closed zone by a limited number of participants.  This fishery will open on September 1st, 2015 at 6AM. 

The PEIFA is now taking names of fixed gear gillnet groundfish license holders who are interested in participating in this fishery to a maximum of 15 fishers.  If interest exceeds 15 participants, there will be a need to have a selection process (i.e. a draw) administered by the PEIFA.  The deadline to sign up for the draw through the PEIFA is August  24th, 2015.  There is no registration fee, however, fishers will be given a confirmation number at the time of registering.
To sign up for the draw or seek further info please contact the PEI Fishermen’s Association at 370-3013.  Selected participants will need to register for At-sea observer coverage within 1 week of being notified of their participation in the fishery. It will be each fisher’s responsibility to set up their own contract with an observer company (e.g. Biorex).

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