Lobster Post-Larval Collector
Project 2014

The Project aims to collect information on the settlement of stage IV lobster larvae in specific areas as well as recording info on bottom temperature. This initiative involves local fishermen’s associations in partnership with the PEI Fishermen’s Association, PEI Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Rural Development and Fisheries & Oceans Canada and is part of a network of other organizations carrying out similar projects from Newfoundland to Connecticut, US.

Site locations are in 25-30 feet of water with 30 collectors per site. Each collector will have a visible marked buoy attached to the 250-pound collector which contains cobble rock and gravel (ideal settling habitat!).

It is important that the collectors remain on the bottom and untouched until the end of the larval settlement season (late September 2014). Collectors will then be retrieved, data analyzed and results made available.
 Alberton (WGFA)
 Covehead (NSFA)
 Fortune* (EKFA)
 Murray Harbour (SKQFA)
 Nine Mile Creek (CNSFA)
 Skinner’s Pond* (PCFA)
 NEW: Cape Egmont (PCFA)
Buoys displaying location of collectors * An additional 5 collectors were set at 70 feet of
water in the Fortune area.

For more information on the Lobster Post-Larval Collector Project please contact
The PEI Fishermen’s Association at (902) 566-4050 or www.peifa.org

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