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US and Canada Lobstermens Town Meeting in Portland Maine
US-Canada Lobstermen's Meeting April 5-6
in Portland, Maine
The US-Canada Lobstermen's Town Meeting is a day and a half long
dialogue between fishermen, wholesalers, processors, researchers and government
officials from the USA and Canada.
Pre-register by April 1: $35 USD // After April 1: $45 USD. Registration
includes lunch and the seafood reception.
information: Westin Harborview Hotel,
157 High Street, Portland, Maine
$149/night on April 4+5
Call 1-855-811-0043 and mention Lobstermen's Town Meeting.
9:00 AM -- Registration and coffee
9:30 AM -- Welcoming remarks and Conference Program begins.
Each session will include an introduction from experts in their field and
a facilitated discussion. The dialogue is intended to foster improved
collaboration, communication and understanding on important issues facing
the US and Canadian lobster industry.