This is a reminder regarding the Canadian Independent Fish Harvesters’ Movement’s (CIFHM) Policy Forum on February 6 – 7, 2013 (please see attachments for more information). If you or others from your organization wish to attend this forum, please fill out the attached registration form and return it as indicated by January 15. There is no set limit to the number of participants from each organization who can attend; simply fill out a registration form for each participant and submit the registration fee per attendee.

 The Forum will be held at The Westin Nova Scotian in Halifax. To make hotel reservations please call 1-902-496-8585 or 1-877-993-7846 and book under the Canadian Independent Fish Harvesters’ Movement block of rooms. Rooms are being held for $99 per night, but this block will expire on January 23.You may also make reservations by using the following links: Canadian Independent Fish Harvester's Movement (OR copy and paste the following link into a web browser)

 If you have any further questions, please email Tiffany Trecartin at or call 506-662-8481.

On behalf of the Canadian Independent Fish Harvesters Movement I would like to invite your organization to the Owner-Operator Policy Forum in Halifax on February 6-7, 2013.
The main theme of the Policy Forum is “Independent Fishermen Moving Forward Together”. The Forum’s objective is to build consensus amongst owner-operator fleets on the policies we need to strengthen the economic viability of our independent fishing enterprises and the sustainability of fishing communities. Attached you will find the Forum program and a registration form.
Forum participants will be responsible for their own transportation, food, and lodging costs. There will be a registration fee of $50 per person to cover shared conference costs for interpretation services, meeting rooms, printing, and coffee breaks.
Please fill out the registration form and include a cheque for $50 for each person who will be attending the Forum from your organization and return by fax or email by January 15 to:
Grand Manan Fishermen’s Association
Tiffany Trecartin ( FAX number: 506-662-8336
Hotel accommodations
The Movement has negotiated the very favourable rate of $99 per night at the Westin Hotel in downtown Halifax including free parking and internet service. Delegates must make their own reservations directly with the hotel by phoning 1-902-496-8585 or 1-877-993-7846 and asking for the Canadian Independent Fish Harvester Movement block.
If you have any questions about the Forum logistics please do not hesitate to get in touch with Tiffany at 506-662-8481. For any questions about the Program please contact me or another member of the Interprovincial Working Group (list attached).
Hoping we will have the pleasure of seeing you at this important event for the future of our fishing fleets.
Christian Brun, Chairperson, Movement Working Group

Policy Forum Registration Form
February 6 - 7, 2013
Westin Hotel, Halifax
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Organization: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________________
Fax Number: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: __________________________________________________________
Allergies (Please Specify for Coffee Break Purposes): _______________________________
Registration Fee Payment: $50
Please enclose cheque ($50) to Grand Manan Fishermen’s Association.
Please return no later than January 15, 2013
Return this form by fax to 506-662-8336, email to, or mail to:
Grand Manan Fishermen’s Association
PO Box 907
Grand Manan, NB
E5G 4M

1408 rue Main Street Telephone: (506) 532-2485
Shédiac, NB Fax: (506) 532-2487
E4P 2G1
Policy Forum
Moving Forward Together
Westin Hotel
Halifax, NS
February 6-7, 2013


Tuesday, February 6

Christian Brun, Working Group Chair
Introduction of the Working Group and review of Movement’s accomplishments to date
Objectives of the Forum
Review of Agenda

9:00AM  What is our policy history?
Marc Allain, Policy Advisor CIFHM

9:30AM  Why the Movement? Why now?
Panelists from Working Group
 O’Neil Cloutier, APPQ
 Melanie Sonnenberg, GMFA,
 Peter Connors, EFPA
 Jean Lanteigne, FRAPP
 Ian MacPherson, PEIFA
 Earle McCurdy, FFAW
Plenary discussion
10:30 Break

10:50AM  Theme One
Independent Owner-operators or Processor control over quota and licences?
Are controlling agreements our line in the sand?
Small group discussions on controlling agreements and March 2014 deadline.
12:30PM  Lunch

1:30  Report back from small groups

2:00PM THEME II    Profitable owner-operator enterprises for sustainable coastal communities
What are the key factors influencing enterprise economic viability? Presentation: Marcel Le Breton, Economist, ECOTECH
Panel response: Midshore : Jean-Pierre Couillard, ACPG Inshore : David Decker, FFAW
Plenary: Questions and Answers
3:00 Break

3:20  Small Group discussions
What kinds of policy changes, if any, would make our enterprises and fleets more profitable? What are your three top priorities?

Wednesday February 7
8:30  Synthesis report of Day One
Plenary discussion
9:15AM  Theme III
Meaningful consultation
How can we change the “consultation” process so that fishermen become equal partners?
Presentations: Ian MacPherson, PEIFA, Melannie Sonnenberg, GMFA

9:45  Small group discussion
What changes would you like to see in how DFO conducts its “consultations” with independent fleets?
What are the key issues you would like consultations on over the next year?
Discussions en petits groupes
11:00  Break
11:20  Report back small groups
1200 Lunch and check-out
1:30  Theme IV
From Movement to Federation
Report of Movement sub-committee on Governance
Plenary Questions and Answers
3:15 Break
3:30  Reports from Small Groups
Plenary discussion
4:30PM  Closing remarks Working Group members

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